
My Secret Questions about camouflage are hidden (camouflaged) in white at the bottom of this page!

Write your own list of questions about camouflage then check to see if you wrote more than me, if you wrote any that were the same or even better than mine!

First watch the film

Then highlight the area below these words....

  • What is camouflage?
  • Why do animals want to be camouflaged?
  • What sorts of creatures use camouflage?
  • Can any animals change depending on where they live?
  • How is camouflage useful?
  • Are there any disadvantages to camouflage?
  • How is camouflage a problem?
  • Is there any sort of camouflage that works in the dark?
  • What are the different ways that camouflage fools other animals?


  1. That was a great video Ms Kennedy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a great video on camouflage Middle School and I also like the way the teachers' questions are camouflaged too. It's wonderful to see the whole Middle School sharing these same videos and thoughts around habitats and learning together. It has been great to see the new learning and variety of thinking going on in all of your classrooms. I am really looking forward to the Middle School Wearable Arts in Term 3! Mrs. Dudley.
